yasyAH kaTAkSha-vIkShA-kShaNa-lakShaM lakShitA maheshAssyuH shrI-ra~ngarAja-mahiShI sA mAm api vIkShatAM lakShmIH Her glances, even for a second, make the persons who are looked at get plenty and become great people; May that Queen of Lord Ranganatha bestow Her glances on me as well and grant all prosperity. == yasyAH = Whose kaTAkSha = glances vIkShA = gaze, sight kShaNa = second lakSham = one hundred thousand, plenty lakShitAH = persons who have been looked/glanced at (by Shri Devi) maheshAH = great persons syuH = (they) will become surely shrI-ra~ngarAja = Lord Ranganatha of Shrirangam mahiShI = Queen Shri Ranganayaki sA = She mAm api = me also lakShmIH = prosperity vIkShatAm = May bestow Her glances == [IkSh, 1 A, ikShate, to see, observe; regard; vIkShate = to behold] [as, 2 P, sati, to be; syuH - vidhi-li~Ng-prathama-puruSha-bahuvacanam] [lakSh, 1 A, lakShate, to perceive, observe]